If the club foot is chronic, trim the hoof regularly and keep the foot balanced. Both testicles should be located within the scrotum when the male foal is born, although some surgeons advise waiting at least 18 months prior to cryptorchid surgery to allow ample time for the cryptorchid testicle to descend. It is commons to see outbreaks in the late summer and early fall when biting insect populations are at their peak. A horse’s poll is the area at the top of the head between the ears and running down the back of the neck. If your horse has a large number of aggressive ear mites, then you can always tackle this by replacing the flea solution with a deworming product that contains ivermectin. Their ears can have a modest amount of earwax or debris in them, but should be clear of any ear mites. Due to the stoical behavior commonly exhibited by donkeys, it is important to be aware of any behavioral changes or intermittent lameness in a donkey that might be related to underlying laminitis. Remove loose scabs and dispose of them to prevent further infections. (Back to the top). It is therefore important to pay close attention, and alert a veterinarian, Age and Sex: Older jennies (female donkeys) are more at-risk, Stress, such as from concurrent diseases & surgery, Mucous-covered dung or reduced dung production. Various types of colic may present differently, and they are often assessed on the basis of history, pain, heart rate, respiratory rate, gut sounds, and other clinical exam findings. We are 100% donor-funded and rely on the support of generous individuals to provide compassionate resources to animal caretakers worldwide. He can see the mites under a microscope. These clues can say a lot about a donkey’s health. Sweet Itch is predominantly caused by midges. Treatment for arthritis differs depending on the root cause, so if you believe that a donkey is suffering from arthritis, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. Contact your veterinarian for the best course of action. This is not an exhaustive list of everything that can happen to a donkey, but can help you get a sense of what challenges a resident under your care may face in their lifetime. A single testicle should never be removed if the other cannot be located; the animal may remain fertile and this could lead to serious welfare implications if mares and jennies are impregnated. Be sure to wash your hands, clean and disinfect your boots, wear latex or plastic gloves, and change clothes between handling quarantined donkeys and other donkey residents. Call a veterinarian to discuss the symptoms and proper course of treatment. Gross! The treatment is to remove all dead and discolored material so new healthy horn can grow down. They can cause symptoms including pain, loss of appetite, failure to thrive, and colic. Be prepared to check them over, Our recommendation to conduct routine health examinations every six to eight weeks must be done in conjunction with daily observations. tag, it means that we do not endorse that particular source’s views about animals, even if some of their insights are valuable from a care perspective. Ear mites are not as common an occurrence for horses as they are for dogs and cats, but they can be quite distressing when they do occur. Ensure that the donkey doesn’t have pain when they move their joints. Mites, on the other hand, burrow under the skin and cannot be seen. Abnormalities should be immediately reported to your veterinarian. Steroid treatment can help alleviate itching and inflammation. If a donkey appears to be in pain, is looking at their flank frequently, is drooping their ears, has an absence of gut sounds or is making abnormal ones, is sweating excessively, has a high pulse, is lying down or attempting to roll frequently, appears dehydrated, is grinding their teeth, urinating frequently, not defecating, isn’t eating at all, is stamping their feet, has difficulty breathing, has anxiety or depression, has an impacted colon, is very gassy, or are stretching themselves out, this is a sign of colic. Caregivers should be trained to observe animals both for behaviors that are abnormal for the species and also behaviors that are abnormal for each. The female horse (mare) comes into heat for the first time at about 18 months of age. Donkeys tend to be more stoic than horses, and therefore require a much closer look to determine if something is amiss. If you’re particularly concerned by a dropping, you can bring it into your veterinarian for analysis, though you should consider fecal testing healthy-seeming donkeys at a regular interval to check for internal parasites. Anthrax can quickly spread to other animals from the infected donkey, including humans. Aging donkeys may also develop senile cataracts. Prior to regularly conducting donkey health examinations, you should have a veterinarian or compassionate care expert give you hands-on training in order to be the best donkey health advocate possible. If the bursa is un-ruptured and not draining, treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents is recommended. Special care should be taken with older, younger or ill donkeys. It’s important to identify the cause before further treatment, as it will alter the course of treatment. Acquired causes of cataracts can be caused by trauma or ocular disease, UV light, toxin ingestion, and ionizing radiation. He will give you the medicine that will correct the condition. These progress to white or grey opacity, preventing light from being reflected from the retina. Obesity-related complications can regularly lead to dangerous conditions in donkeys. However, corticosteroids are likely to worsen the symptoms. They tend to latch on around the groins, ears, and behind leg joints. They can cause severe itching and can be quite contagious. Unfortunately, there are scenarios where euthanasia may be the most compassionate option in grievous cases. The “stoic” nature of a donkey may mean the only signs of colic you observe are “dullness” and an unwillingness to eat. This thorough section of the exam is critical to ensure that nothing that can be addressed early is missed. It affects the upper and lower respiratory tract of horses, donkeys and mules. This is the time to ensure you are checking and feeling every area of the individual’s body, not just those included in this list. It is important to begin treatment as soon as possible. This rupturing can expel surprising amounts of pus, depending on the size of the abscess. They will likely perform a complete physical examination and bloodwork. Colic refers to the symptom of abdominal pain, rather than a specific disease. Hoof cracks can be categorized as grass or sand cracks. Their pupils should be about the same size and react properly to bright light (get smaller and then return to normal). If that happens, it may cause pain or infections. Minimizing exposure to wet and muddy environments can help prevent and treat rain scald. Depending on the health concern, it may be necessary to isolate the donkey in order to protect the rest of the herd from a potentially infectious disease. It can be very painful. (Back to the top). Many have suffered from neglect before arriving at a sanctuary, and their hooves are proof of that. Sometimes hospitalization and/or surgery may be required. Vaccinate against VEE as recommended by your veterinarian. As a result, there can be a number of causes. Abscesses can occur anywhere in a donkey’s body, including the internal organs. It eats away at the tissues of the frog of the hoof and leaves a black slime. Treating Ear Mites In Rabbits - Duration: 2:21. Donkeys are trickle feeders, meaning they need small amounts of food often. (Back to the top). A donkey that has tetanus or lockjaw will die unless it receives an antitoxin injections within 24 hours of the injury. They should not have a dry cough; donkeys rarely cough, and if they do, it’s likely a serious issue! If their mucous membranes are a notably paler complexion compared to their usual appearance, it could be a sign of anemia or other concerns. They tend to latch on around the groins, ears, and behind leg joints. Gastric ulcers are lesions on the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus. (Back to the top), White Line Disease is when a fungus attacks the white line of tissue that attaches the sole to the hoof. Ensure they do not have any patchy hair loss or an unusually dull coat, which could be a sign of parasites or a mineral deficiency. (Back to the top). There are many cause of conjunctivitis, ranging from viral disease to fungal infections. Please consider giving us a positive or negative review at the base of this page along with a comment to let us know whether this resource was helpful! (Back to the top). Take note of the skin around their eyes- if it’s much paler than usual, it could be a sign of anemia or another disease. They can be cured with over the counter ear miticides pretty easily and just as well as with what a vet would sell you. Contact your veterinarian for the best course of action. Healthy donkeys usually survive the infection. It’s important to keep regular measurements or estimates of a donkey’s weight. Certain diseases will require additional care and treatment of the abscessed donkey. Grass cracks start at the bottom of the hoof and crack upwards, while sand cracks start at the coronary band and crack downwards. There are a number of pesky parasites that can irritate your resident donkeys. In these instances, you will need to weigh what is in the best interest of all of your residents. Unless they’re in a life-threatening situation, you should be your resident’s advocate, not their doctor. Just like with humans, this flu is very contagious and spreads rapidly. Sarcoptic mites of horses are a species-specific strain of Sarcoptes scabiei, a mite species that also infests sheep, cattle, pigs, other livestock, and humans. On occasion, a crack may run the full length of the hoof. According to Heffner, ear mites can be the cause of head rubbing, head shaking, and irritability. (Back to the top). If that happens, it may cause pain or infections. You might see a donkey stretch themselves out in a standing position if they are extremely uncomfortable. Definitely get advice from a veterinarian on the best course of action and in the meantime, try to leave them them alone. However, the Coggins test can help diagnose and control the disease. Chiggers are the larva of trombiculid mites over 40 genera found within the continental United States. Some are crusty and wart-like and cause hair-loss and thickened skin around the lesion. Daily medication and bi-annual blood test are required for maintenance. The heart rate of a donkey with colic is often increased above their average normal of about 44 beats-per-minute. Others are soft nodules under the skin, and some start off as alopecia with a crust surface. Antibiotics are also often given to help prevent additional infections. It is important to seek veterinary treatment if a donkey resident has Equine Flu as it weakens their immune system, making them vulnerable to secondary infections. Make sure you dispose of any material that comes into contact with them as hazardous material. Unfortunately, hoof overgrowth is a fairly common occurrence in rescued populations. If you see any signs indicating Hyperlipaemia, contact your veterinarian immediately. The conjunctiva includes the inner eyelid and surrounding membrane. They are often associated with disorders that disrupt urinary flow. Abnormal foot shape or poor shoe placement. Instead, they’re close relatives of spiders. If the membranes around their lips and gums are dry, this indicates dehydration. Donkey's Tail plant has long, hanging, stems covered in thick succulent leaves. Because PPID also affect body fat and muscle, a donkey may present with a “potbelly” and lethargy. If their hooves are overgrown, schedule a trimming with a farrier as soon as you can. Hoof cracks can be categorized as grass or sand cracks. Fever, nasal discharge, and coughing are all symptoms of the disease and can be hard to distinguish from Equine Influenza. They will also have lesions with greasy, scaly skin and hair loss. Vaccinate donkeys routinely based on your veterinarian’s recommendations. It is important to identify the cause, removing the source of pain where applicable. If a donkey has lost a lot of weight, this could indicate a sickness, malnutrition, worms, or other parasites. There are two types of laminitis: acute and chronic. Be prepared to check them over every six to eight weeks*! It’s best if they’re holding it up on their own volition. Healthy donkey poop is greenish to brown, moist, formed in balls with no recognizable piece of food in them that can be easily broken up. In severe cases, your farrier should work with a veterinarian to make sure that the work does not cause any instability to the hoof. They should be able to put their full weight on their feet and they shouldn’t limp. Contact your veterinarian if you suspect Pigeon Fever. Prevention is best! Lungworm (Dictyocaulus arnfieldi): Lungworms can be present in large numbers in the donkey without the animal showing any signs. Equine Flu is a contagious viral respiratory disease caused by various strains of the Influenza virus. Actually, these guys aren’t bugs at all. Zee is the Executive Editor of The Open Sanctuary Project. Isolate any sick donkeys or horses and disinfect their environment. Symptoms can include stumbling, falling, weakness, muscle stiffness and tightness, muscle atrophy, and localized sweating. Dog ear mites are microscopic parasites that cause infections. Remove loose scabs and dispose of them to prevent further infections. See a more detailed explanation here. Affected donkeys typically do not give this disease to other animals or humans, but it can be spread by cows, goats, wild pigs, sheep, deer, and related animals to horses, donkeys, and humans. How To Conduct A Donkey Health Examination, Much like the common advice given to humans, it’s important to regularly check the health of donkeys with a routine physical examination rather than waiting until a donkey is showing signs of distress or illness. Be sure to closely monitor their appetite and communicate with your veterinarian if they are not eating. However, if they are showing signs of laminitis, only exercise them on the advice of your veterinarian. Thoughtful observation plays a crucial role in catching health issues before they progress into more serious situations. Much like the common advice given to humans, it’s important to regularly check the health of donkeys with a routine physical examination rather than waiting until a donkey is showing signs of distress or illness. Minimizing exposure to wet and muddy environments can help prevent and treat rain scald. Although it may be difficult to see them, lice are visible. The disease originated in the western United States, but has since spread through the rest of the country, and even some parts of Mexico. Donkeys are not able to efficiently regulate the issue, leading to increased fat levels in the blood, potentially leading to liver and kidney degeneration and failure. You can use a gauze pad to clear out excess earwax or to sample potential ear mites. Their breathing should not be labored, loud, wheezy, rattly, sneezy, whistling, or squeaky. Sadly, there is currently no cure. If left untreated, the problem can heal and then show up again some time later. You may have to consider a grazing muzzle if they have access to a grassy pasture, as too much high-sugar grass can cause a problem. Hoof avulsions happen when the hoof wall becomes partially or fully detached from the foot. How are they getting along with fellow herdmates? Treating the crack involves stabilization of the crack and preventing it from becoming dirty or wet. In addition to a low carb and sugar diet, donkeys with EMS will need daily exercise. Diarrhea is never pleasant and can even be caused by a serious underlying medical disorder. It is important to keep you donkey well-hydrated and call a veterinarian to diagnose the issue and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Depending on the health concern, separating the donkey with a calm companion might be a good compromise. It’s critical to check a donkey for symptoms of, A donkey’s rear end under their tail should be relatively clean. Equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and equine herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) both cause respiratory disease when first contracted. Generally, the examination should begin at their head, working your way back and down. In severe cases, your. Often conjunctivitis is caused by an irritant in the eye, such as dust, flies, or a foreign body. Check their udders and ensure that they are not hot, swollen, painful, or tough, which can be a symptom of Mastitis and requires treatment. Check their tail for hair loss and parasites as well. Vaccinate against VEE as recommended by your veterinarian. Washing the eye to remove dirt or a foreign object is a good first step. It may present with external abscesses, limb infections, or internal infections. I figured I might as well hit double digits before circling back to update the earlier reviews of COVID-19 in animals. Photosensitisation/Sunburn associated with liver disease or certain plants, Immune-mediated disease of the blood vessels, Abscesses, sores, and/or draining pus along the midline. Exposure is necessary to minimize the chance of infection. Hyperlipemia results from a negative energy balance when fat reserves are mobilized and sent to the liver to be converted to glucose for energy. Dietary management of donkeys is especially important as they are prone to obesity and related disorders. It is so infectious that pastures housing the infected donkeys will remain contaminated for months. Over time, the bursa may rupture and have an infectious looking discharge. Sarcoids are common skin tumors and can be problematic to treat. Using sterile gloves, carefully squeeze out the excess pus and flush the wound with disinfectant. However the mare should not be allowed to mate (mounted) until she is 3 years old when she will give birth at 4 years of age. There are many factors that might cause ulcers to develop, including age, sex, temperament, exercise intensity, intermittent versus continuous feeding, stall confinement, high concentrate diets, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, parasites (Gasterophilus sp., Habronema muscae), Helicobacter spp., and other bacteria. So keep a close eye on them! Dirt will only push the crack further apart. A donkey should have bright, clean, alert eyes. Pigeon fever is an infectious disease affecting donkeys and horses. If a donkey is struggling to urinate, it can be a sign of bladder stones or another urinary tract issue and require veterinary intervention. Brucellosis in equines is characterized by two conditions, namely Poll evil and fistulous withers: A horse’s poll is the area at the top of the head between the ears and running down the back of the neck. Diets high in concentrates, fruits, and lush grass can cause issues. oto=ear, dectes=biter, cynotis=of the dog). It can be hard to detect early signs of Hyperlipaemia in donkeys. They may be more likely to hide signs of illness or injury, or may not allow you to come close enough to them to thoroughly assess their well being on a regular basis. Mites can be transmitted from one donkey to another by contact or grooming equipment, so avoid contact of animals and using the same grooming material. There should be no cracking or crunching sounds when they move, and they shouldn’t be avoiding putting weight on any of their joints in particular. The bacteria can activate and contaminate soil and grass in certain weather conditions, especially wet and cool weather followed by hot and dry weather. Infections that cause conjunctivitis can be also known as Pink Eye. Internal Parasites – Large Strongyles, Small Strongyles, Roundworms, Pinworms, and Tapeworms, An example of accesses of the internal organs is Strangles, an infection caused by. Close daily observation can be difficult with certain individuals or groups who come from challenging backgrounds. It thrives in wet and muddy environments and is spread by carrier animals. Caregivers should be trained to observe animals both for behaviors that are abnormal for the species and also behaviors that are abnormal for each individual, keeping in mind issues that are common in a particular species and their warning signs. He will be the one to tell you for sure. There is a possibility that human can get infected from ear mites from kittens or any other pet for that... Where Can I Get A Lifesize Cardboard Cut Out Of A Donkey? (Back to the top). It is most commonly spread by animal bites, but can also be spread from contact with the saliva of an infected animal through a break in the skin, or by touching eyes, nose, or mouth after touching saliva. It’s important to check a donkey’s joints in their legs and shoulders for swelling or tenderness. It’s important to identify the cause before further treatment, as it will alter the course of treatment. Feeding donkeys a couple large meals a day may increase the likelihood of them developing ulcers. Horses who live with donkeys can also contract lungworms and develop respiratory issues, such as bronchitis, but are unlikely to pass the infection to another horse. of these checkups, including weight and any abnormal findings, in order to keep an easy-to-follow set of information in case your veterinarian needs the donkey’s history. (Back to the top), Anthrax is caused by Bacillus anthracis spores, which can lie dormant in soil across the world for many years. Summer and early fall when biting insect populations are at their peak dietary management donkeys. That something is amiss may notice a donkey might have a particularly respiratory! Like small horses and disinfect their environment of age you conduct a donkey ’ s recommendations very seriously with.... 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